These 5 elements are a part of any Yogi practice. The most fundamental practice in the yogic system is ‘bhuta shuddhi’. This is a way of cleansing the elements in the physical system so that they work in harmony.

So what are the 5 elements and why?


"The body is made up of five fundemental elements - earth, water fire, air and space. The quality of your life essentially depends on how wonderful these five elements are within you."

                                                               Isha Sadhguru

While Sage Scentz was created with the 5 elements in mind. These elements are also are found in the world and the universe. Everything is a play of the 5 elements. The idea is to cleanse the physicality of the element to transend into mastery. Rituals and practices help on our awareness journey. By the practice of meditation and yoga, one learns to look inward rather than outward on the path to become concious. Conscious of ourselves and the lens with which we view the world. Conciousness helps build harmony and cohesion as we learn to see the external world as merely a reflection of our inner experience. The power to shape our reality exists. We might as well choose to see good!

SPACE brings us into an expansion of consciousness, AIR opens us up to compassion, FIRE sparks clarity of vision, WATER is the flow of life, while EARTH, the grounding element that connects our physical body and mind with feelings of love and trust.

We are at our best when we are in harmony.




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